This week, we launch our annual appeal to help us raise funds to support refugees and displaced persons living in the Thai/Burma region. Since our first annual appeal in 2016, we have successfully funded life-changing projects including food drops, emergency medical aid, citizenships, university scholarships, and collaboration with GENESIS Network to build a school. All this has been achieved with limited funding, meaning that we can do even more to transform lives in this region. This year, we seek to touch even more lives and get closer to realising the dream of making this community 100% self-reliant.
We are targeting to raise $30,000 over the next three months. We need a consistent flow of donations which is why we came up with the monthly pledge mode of contribution. With a small monthly donation of $10, we can get enough funds for food and medical expenses among other life-changing projects. For most people in the developed world, $10 is probably the cost of a burger or a giant burger, or two coffees. For people in this region, however, $10 may mean life or death, literary. It wouldn’t hurt giving up one burger or two coffees a month to save a life, would it?
We are looking for 70 people to commit to $10 a month ongoing donations. Getting more people wouldn’t hurt but 70 is the minimum number of donors required to cover our operating costs. With $700 a month, we’ll be able to meet our operating expenses, pay school fees for scholarship beneficiaries, and take on new projects. We ask you to donate and assist us in this critical work which gives hope to people who seem to have been forgotten. Let us all come together and provide hope for this community that has already lost too much.